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Naturally we added a 2 way service to our product range, keeping our service and low rates in mind.

Our 2 way allows you to reserve an identical trip back. Same route, number of persons and luggage. The price for this ride is similar to that of the outward journey and is paid separately.

The only thing you have to do next is to give us a call as soon as you've landed, or the time is known. We register your cell phone number and have you called back by your designated driver.

Mind you, this service is completely free of charge and with absolutely no strings attached! It helps us to plan the number of drivers on duty to make sure to have your cab waiting in case you would need it.

Even if you're not using our 2way service we are still willing and able to be of service to you.

We look forward to see you back at Schiphol airport!

If there are any questions or if you would like to use our service; please click here to contact us right away.
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